Slip and Falls

Slip and fall is an injury or a case that is extremely common that has to do with someone experiencing an injury after an unavoidable fall or tumble.

Slip and Fall in Florida
The prevailing case in slip and fall accidents in the state of Florida is favorable to the injured plaintiffs because of the precedent set in 2001. The new law of Florida Statute 768.0755 states that business owners have to maintain safe conditions but it is up to the plaintiff to prove that the owner knew about the unsafe conditions. Many people were upset to see this kind of law precisely because the people legitimately injured in a slip and fall accident may not receive the compensation they deserve,Guest Posting because they have to prove that the owner of the house, establishment, etc., is fully aware of the unsafe conditions in their location.

Definition of slip and fall
Slip and fall is an injury or a case that is extremely common that has to do with someone experiencing an injury after an unavoidable fall or tumble.

Kinds of Falls
There are four categories and classifications for slip and falls:

  1. Trip and fall accidents / injury – A kind of injury obtained by a person in which he / she encounters a foreign object and gets injured while walking.
  2. Stump and fall accident / injury – A kind of injury obtained by a person in which a moving foot encounters a hindrance in the walking surface whether it is a tacky point on the surface or a defect that impedes the foot.
  3. Step and fall accident / injury – A kind of injury obtained by a person from which the foot finds an unexpected failure or a hole while walking.
  4. Slip and fall accident/ injury – A kind of injury obtained from which the interface of the shoe and the floor fails to support the person’s center of gravity over the base area.

Preparing a slip and fall cases what are the qualifications?
Some of the recoupable damages in a successful slip and fall case

  1. Medical expenses – The other party needs to reimburse or pay the medical bills of the victim which includes any laboratory tests, x-rays and medicines.
  2. Lost wages – Some victims fail to go back to their respective jobs after a slip and fall injury, following a successful slip and fall case, the victim can ask for financial reimbursements for the number of days or months he’s been out of his work place.
  3. Legal representation expenses – This is one of the most common recoupable damages reimbursed to a victim. The other party must pay the slip and fall attorney fees of the victim.

Filing for this kind of case is never an easy job for victims; they have to show all solid proofs to the courts to get what is due them. The Brody Law Firm’s attorneys will work effectively on this matter and give the you what you truly deserve.


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