Negligent Security

Negligent security is a term used to describe what occurs if you are on another person’s property and become a victim of a violent act because there was no security to prevent the crime from occurring.

To hold a property owner responsible for your injuries, we would need to prove that a third party was able to injure you on another person’s property because the owner did not act with reasonable care to prevent the crime from occurring.

There has to be negligence. It is for this reason that this type of lawsuit is referred to as negligent security.

An injured person is able to bring a negligent security suit based on the duty imposed on landowners and possessors of property to offer reasonable security measures and protect lawful visitors from foreseeable crimes of third parties. Negligent security assumes that the crime could have been prevented or at least made less likely by using appropriate security measures.

If you’ve been the victim of negligent security, you should know that you do have rights under Florida law. Consider talking to an experienced and trustworthy attorney who will fight for you and make sure you receive the full compensation you deserve. Florida residents know they can trust The Brody Law Firm.


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